Making love was seen as a gift to God. So there was no repression or guilt attached to sex. It taught that when a man approaches his beloved he should have a sacred feeling as if he were going into a temple. The art of sexual love was the noblest of arts to study. As a young person in ancient India you could go to the sacred temples and be taught lovemaking secrets by Darkas and Darkinis, the priests and priestesses of love. The study of sexuality in the west is very new, whereas relics of Tantric rituals date back nearly five thousand years. So there is an incredible wealth of knowledge we can draw on and use in our own lovemaking.
Tantric lovemaking can add to the ways you make love in three major areas: Firstly: It gives you ways to reach heightened states of ecstasy and pleasure beyond the realms of normal sex.
Secondly, it teaches you ways to open to more love so that your heart opens even more to your partner and you remember how great it feels to be deeply, passionately “in love.”
Thirdly, it teaches Sacred Sex — ways to transform your lovemaking into a sacred experience which will touch you on every level of your being, body, heart and soul.
A male can increase and expand the amount of ecstasy he can have and at the same time increase the length of time he is able to make love so that his partner has a chance of reaching higher states. Ejaculation control is an essential skill to master so that during lovemaking, instead of ejaculating at the first peak of energy which a lot of men do, they can learn instead to peak with that energy and use techniques to spread that energy throughout the entire body. Then as the urgency for ejaculation subsides, continue to make love again until reaching another peak – much higher than the first peak and then he can use techniques to peak and spread the energy again. As he Continues to do this, reaching higher and higher peaks of ecstasy and at the same time his beloved is feeling that energy and is being warmed up to higher orgasmic states.
In Taoist sexuality writings they say, the woman is like water and the man is like fire. What normally happens is the water puts out the fire too quickly, the man is left exhausted and the woman is frustrated. They say there are in fact nine levels of a woman’s orgasm, nine levels that she goes through before she’s fully nourished sexually before her Shakti, her sexual spiritual energy is fully awakened. Most women have their first orgasm at level four; the man ejaculates and the other five levels are rarely reached. We as conscious men, as extraordinary lovers need to be able to make love as long as necessary to satisfy our woman and at the same time reach higher orgasmic states ourselves.
- There are two exercises, two techniques that will help with ejaculation control. One is P.C. Muscle exercises and the other is the breath.
- These exercises are also beneficial for women to extend their orgasmic response, taking more pleasure for herself and to give more pleasure to her partner.
One practice of tantric lovemaking as a mediation I to sit opposite your partner, close your eyes, and imagine energy moving up your spine on the inhalation with the squeezing of the P.C muscle, and down the spine with the exhalation and releasing of the P.C.
There are over 2,000 years of tantric lovemaking secrets and practices that you can explore to expand the already wonderful ways you make love. Practicing Tantra as a couple can be a journey into love to explore together brining more love, joy and passion to a relationship. Using Tantra as a meditation focuses the mind on the present moment connecting the spirit with the cosmos and the eternal now.
Credits: TantraCourse.